Contact | Help


Alzheimer’s Association
24-hour Helpline: 1.800.272.3900

Your loved one’s primary care physician may offer Hospice care. The Hospice nurses give extra care and attention beyond checking vital signs and assisting with medical and dietary needs. Hospice care includes sitting with your loved one and engaging them in conversation. Beyond this, the Hospice staff also is diligent in caring for the patient’s family members: weekly phone calls and voice messages offering emotional support, addressing any questions one might have about care and thereafter.

National Institute of Health (NIH)
Offers information about DNR,  Hospice, senior health care, living will, financial rights for your or your loved one, health care rights, and health care power of attorney.

Al-Anon & Alateen
Provide a support group, help, and a healing program for individuals who are experiencing or have experienced the ramifications of addiction.

Alcoholics Anonymous  (AA)

Help is out there for you and your loved ones. The people on the other end of your phone call or at these organizations are there to help you, and with the right questions, they will give you another lead toward finding the solution you’re seeking.

Be Well….

Contact Jennifer

Coming soon.